October 2019

Essential Destinations Responsible shopping

It is known that we reached a condition that requires governments’ strong decision to allow a future to our planet and its inhabitants, but there is a also role that the individuals have to play at the time of daily actions and decisions. On our side, while shopping, we carefully examine the choices to seek local suitable products that respect the environment and assist local micro economies. We have been very pleased to find that there are more Tanzanian entrepreneurs have started new productions who reach our criteria and we are happy to support them.

Our organic coffe comes from a native co-operative certified by fair trade foundation, the tea is 100% organic and comes in biodegradable bags, the jam is home made by Iringa young women group, the honey is elephant friendly (it is produced by farmers who with the bee hives keep the elephants away from their crops avoiding violent resolution of the matter) and the granola is made with Tanzanian organic products. Together with our made fresh juice we do offer locally-grown and additive free juice.

combo of food goods

Hai life 4

iringa women


News from Selous Game Reserve

A summer wonder land as the small rains start early, sending the Impala into a frenzy to start dropping the newborn babies everywhere. A feast in the waiting for the many predators around the camp.

Birdlife has been outstanding around camp as the many insects breeding out with the rains are providing the birds with the sustenance they need. We were lucky enough to be able to help a Scarlet Chested sunbird raise their little family after their nest fell out of the Palm tree. Our makeshift nest hanging next to the office gave mom and dad the opportunity to feed them. Not long after they took flight and have been seen once or twice near the dining area.

A snake literally drops in as it falls from the palm tree and chases a Gecko in the dining area, while we are enjoying lunch. The ensuing struggle usually does not bode well for the little Gecko as he fights valiantly not to be devoured. In the end the circle of life is the winner.

Guests have had some amazing Lion sightings as the devour their prey, even showing off their prowess.

Our new water bottle gift for all guests and the water dispenser are a hit. Another part solution for our continuous efforts to reduce our impact on the environment. We have also recently increased our solar panels to help accommodate the extra power required to run the water cooler for our guests’ comfort.

Hope to see you soon.

Safe travels.
By Shaun, Milinda and all Manze Team.

Angry dad by Shaun

Baobab by shaun

Blue galore by Shaun

Brand new by Shaun

Break between chewing by Stephen White

Calling by Stephen White

Checking out the menu by Stephen White

Cleaning up the scraps by Stephen White

Closer by Shaun

Dazzled by Janice Flynn

Dinner done by Shaun

Double tale by Shaun

End of rain by shaun

Eye to eye by Stephen White

Eyes of innocence by Shaun

Family nap by Stephen White

First rains by shaun

Flock of by Shaun

Friends no by Janice Flynn

Hanging around by Shaun

Hiding by Janice Flynn

Honeymoon by Shaun

Just born by Shaun

Lake manze high up by Shaun

Lazy afternoon by Stephen White

Left overs by Stephen White

Left the nest by Shaun

Loner by Shaun

Lost by Shaun

Marraige proposal by Stephen White

More babies by Shaun

More digging by Shaun

Need my mamma by Shaun

No words by shaun

Old man by Shaun

Perfect orange by Stephen White

Perfect suset by Stephen White

Posh blue by Stephen Whitej

Proud dad by Shaun

Quenching by Stephen White

Rescued by Shaun

Sharing by Stephen White

Snacks by Stephen White

Solar by Shaun

Solar from above from Shaun

Squirrels by Janice Flynn_n

Staredown by Stephen White

Sweet leaves by Stephen white

Trust by Shaun

Vavavoom beautiful by Stephen White

Very young by Shaun

Wobbly legs by Shaun

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News from the wild side

This month flew by with exhilarating sightings. The first rains also arrived which was a surprise but gave the chance to the wildlife around to rejuvenate and wash the dust-off leaves. This month, whether you stayed in camp to have a peaceful afternoon or went on safaris, life around couldn’t have been more amazing.

Elephants settled within the camp, everyday up to twenty were counted, and on a few occasions, guests having an early afternoon shower were surprised by anonymous trunks reaching out for water. Kudus, the warthog family, zebras and mongooses were also present.
One night, a big male lion had a fall through with the resident clan of hyenas. Fourteen against one, the dominant male had to run for his life. As the rest of the pride had scattered with this incident, the dominant male was day and night looking for his family and on one afternoon, decided to lay twenty meters away from the fireplace, enjoying our presence, from a distance.
The resident troop of monkeys are forever extending, newborns are spotted every morning.

With the temperatures getting higher by the day, most of our guests decided to come back for lunch in the midday heat, to enjoy a nap and some freshly made food. Nothing feels better than lying in bed watching impalas grazing by.
But for the ones who decided to fight off the weather, it couldn’t have been more wonderful. The first breeding plumages are seen, the first migrant bird spotted, and with the first rain, newborns are popping up everywhere, including the Mwayembe pride. Four tiny cubs were spotted amongst the eleven females, looking healthy and strong.

Buffalos are making a ‘come back’; they were spotted on several occasions, counting six hundreds heads.
As any months, elephant sightings were prolific, including Babu, the oldest and biggest elephant in the Mdonya Region. He was spotted with a wound on his right front leg, but it didn’t seem to stop him from being himself.
Well well these were a few of the highlights of our camp. We will keep the other stories warm in our heart while patiently waiting for your visits.

In the hope to see you soon,

Iris, Kingsley and all Mdonya Team.





















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“Dear Iris, Kingsley and the whole team, you made my possibly best birthday ever possible! That says it all! Lots of love to everyone.”
Julian, Leo, Ernest and Marion in Mdonya in October 2019

“Thank you for such a wonderful experience, having our tent surrounded by lions was the most amazing holidays. Lovely place close to the African nature.”
Sam & Andy, in Mdonya in October 2019

Thanks to everyone at Lake Manze Camp for making DREAMS COME TRUE. Thanks for letting us feel your passion and giving us the feeling of home. We fly home full of love and an amazing experience. A big thank you.”
Anouk, in Manze in October 2019

“Thank you for such a wonderful experience. Four unforgettable days spent in your unspoilt wilderness has refreshed and renewed us. Shaun, milli and the team, your hospitality has been generous and meeting your Genet, Bush baby family a privilege. Great setting amazing, game drives. Thanks to Chombo for his Eagle eyes and to Abuu for his mud driving skills and above all such a feeling of tranquility. We loved it.”
Ivor and Rossie, in Manze in October 2019

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